After a greeting from the pastor & director, some of the mums danced in costume for us. They did a beautiful job... choreographed & shyly smiling as they sang praise songs.
Seeing first hand where they come and weigh the babies and fill out the growth chart, similar to what we have at home, and where they learn how to care for their babies, how to make things that will assist them in making an income; like chocolate!
The meal was delicious, steak, papas, beets (yes Moma, I thought of you and yes, I ate them.), carrots with a yummy vinegar dressing.
I made a new friend, Janet. She is the cook for the project. We conversed in Spanish & I did well! I thought I surely misunderstood her so got one of the Compassion ladies to translate for me and sure enough, I got 80% of it. That's a "B" by the way.
I made many new amigas & held sweet Mateo so his mum could eat her lunch. Precious.
Visiting Blanca's home was humbling & special. Romans 1:11-12 came to my heart as we mutually encouraged one another.
Blanca's house was recently destroyed int weather and the church & Compassion came and in one weekend made a new house for her & her baby Darling.
Blanca couldn't speak through her tears as she felt so loved. It was a very special time moment for me when I was given the opportunity to pray a blessing on her.
You see, she does laundry for a living. Other people's laundry. 12 items for $1.75. On a good day, she makes $5. Child care costs her $1/day... it doesn't take a mathematical genius to figure out that she's fighting an uphill battle.
Oh, when I say she does laundry, she DOES laundry. See the picture with the concrete sinks? Yep, right there is where she and her sister work their fingers to the bone; literally.
She also lives on a mountain side. The wooden ladder and dirt steps make a hard climb for anyone; let alone for a mum carrying her babe, laundry &/or groceries.
Join me in praying that God brings her a different job. She loves Jesus so much and is trying so hard to provide for her baby. Being a single mom is hard anywhere... it's especially hard in third world countries where help is hard to come by. How wonderful Compassion is here to train, educate & assist financially in many ways.
Before we left, the mums surprised us with a gift they had made... Scarfs! They put them over our heads & there were smiles on everyone's faces.
Amazing, thanks for sharing these special moments.