Monday, July 16, 2012

Best Letter Yet!

Today we received the most loving letter from Roosbell, our Ecuadorian Compassion Child.  We had sent him some picture collages of all of us and we just got the letter that he wrote after he got them.  I can just hear the love and excitement in his words.  Oh, how blessed we are to have Roosbell in our lives.  My kids just beamed when I read to them his words and when he mentions them by name in the letter - oh the smiles.

Which leads me to thinking.  If we are so excited over his letters to us, how much more do they mean to Roosbell?  In our busy life of the swimming pool calling our names, the Wii, Netflix, Nintendo ds things, laptops, facebook, reading blogs about big deals... what if our letter is all the excitement he has for that whole day?  The week?  What other things does he look forward to like he does our letters? 

Today, I am thankful to Compassion for allowing us to join them in their ministry.  For allowing us to be ministers to others.  I am thankful that my 5 year old son clings to his new Compassion Bible and cries his eyes out if he even thinks it's misplaced... all because it connects him to his new Compassion Brother, Javier. 

If you haven't, please pray about sponsoring a child and giving them hope and a future.  We are the hands and feet of Jesus, this is something we can all do: $38/month.

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