Field trips are wonderful! I love that the teachers let as many parents who want and can attend the trips tag along.
Today was Taylor's 2nd grade field trip to the zoo. Paco and I were able to go and have lunch with her and it was just a great experience. I hadn't been since last year when I met my friend and her son there for an little outing.
We couldn't have asked for a nicer day to go to the zoo. The sun was shining as you can see in the pictures and it was just gorgeous! You can see the big horn sheep between Tay and Paco's heads. We had so much fun!Here the kids are with a nice big tiger wandering around in the grass behind them. Paco didn't know what to make of the two "big cats." He could hardly pose for a picture but as you can see, I got it done! ha!
The other tiger was laying down all sprawled out in the sun. Kids were running all over so it was obviously used to noise.
Paco loved the monkey cages and thought the little cats were neat, too. Tay really liked the penguins and the zebra rolling around in the dirt. (Paco thought that was really something!) They have a new crane and it was standing on one leg and it was very pretty.
We ran around like crazy and then stopped for lunch in the park. Remember, this is with all the 2nd graders of her school so it was pretty crazy... I couldn't ride the bus because I had Paco with me and they don't allow other children to ride their buses.
Here is a cute picture of Taylor when we breaked for lunch. She is such a doll and was so good with her brother.I couldn't help but walking through the rose garden. It was gorgeous with all the bushes in bloom. My Grandma would love to see it but she lives in Colorado.
So, the day was hit and I think we all had fun!
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!