Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Javier's Shower

Thanks to a wonderful friend, Patsy, who threw Javi and me a baby shower last night! Here is my precious son and mother who held him since he has colic and the shower went into his "colic time."

We had a nice time and enjoyed visiting with each other. We got some darling outfits, much needed size 2 diapers and a neat "taggie ball." My sis-in-law got me some pampering with a massage that I can't wait to use and my Mom got me this with this note:

"Dear Joy, Grandma Barry started this quilt for me, before I was born, the Caldwell Friends Quilting Ladies quilted it for me to give you to have for our precious Baby Javier Don. Enjoy, Love you, Mom."

I'm thrilled to have this as it means a great deal to me. I have seen the quilt in my mom's hope chest all my life and she was always sorry it wasn't finished. I will hang it in Javier's room as a wall hanging.

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