Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lent begins next week?!?!

This little Quaker girl had to search the Internet for, "When does Lent begin in 2014" because she's so up on  her math skills and didn't want to impress you all with subtracting 40 from April 20th.  Yes, I also double checked Easter's date before I typed that. 

Well, in case you aren't up on your Lenten schedule, it begins March 5th!  That is one week from today, to be exact. 

Last year, when I shared the beginning of my journey with you, I was so sure that I wouldn't allow Lent to sneak up on me again.  Well, it has. 

Did you know Lent is capitalized?  No, well neither did I and now you do, too.  Yes, well, good for you.  Now we all know.  I think Lenten is, too, but should probably check.

Lent is a time of preparation for the celebration of THE most important event of my faith: the death of Christ on the cross on Friday followed by his glorious Resurrection on Easter morning.

Oh, did you know that Resurrection is capitalized when it's about Jesus' death but it's not when speaking of a human (like Lazarus).  I know, I know, all this going back to college stuff is going spill over here.

Back to Lent: Preparation for the celebration.  The word "preparation" got me to thinking about what I do to prepare for the Celebration.  I capitalized that one all on my own.  I don't really care if it's correct, or not.

So, if you are like me, and haven't given much thought to Lent this year, we have a week to think about preparing before we begin our preparation. 

I need to spend some time in prayer about this.  Join me?

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