Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Quaker Girl's Journey to Lent Year 5

Five years ago I began my journey to Lent.  There are over 30 posts, to date, documenting this journey, and you can read through them here, if you so desire.  Each year I seem to add or subtract something as I listen and obey the Holy Spirit's promptings.  That's pretty much my daily goal, too.

This year, I am stepping outside my comfort zone and am hosting an online accountability group as we read through the Gospel of John together.  You can follow and join me here.  

2017: This Lenten Season and beyond... To build up habits that will bring holistic health, and lose the idols that have made me unhealthy in all the areas of my life. 

I'm also challenging myself to read (or listen) to the Bible as much (or more) than I am on social media.  I started this challenge yesterday and I am always amazed how much awareness leads to action.  I read (listened) 40 minutes yesterday and had about the same amount of time on social media by the end of the day.  Today, I have read (listened) 75 minutes and have spent maybe 30 on social media.  

This is helping me prepare for reading the Gospel of John through Lent and prepping my heart and mind to be ready to be held accountable to reading and journeying with others as they desire the same.  

I have had both introverts and extroverts say how this online group is meeting a need in their lives.  For introverts, they don't have to leave their home to dive into God's word with other people.  For extroverts, they like the idea of having social interaction around reading the Bible.  Everyone seems to like the idea of having different levels of involvement.  From reading the verses and hitting "like" to say you read it.  Bam!  You're done.  To sharing what God revealed to you during your time together - to learning new Bible study tool techniques and digging deeper.  The bottom line is, we are all busy.  Our schedules are crazy and traditional face-to-face studies are not always an option.  This format caters to all of us ready to try something new and grow closer to God in the process.  

If this sounds like something you might want to try, find out more on the page and give it a whirl.  We don't have much to lose, right? Just click on the picture below:

By the way, "Woman of Valor" refers to me; it was not meant to be an exclusively female page.  Here's to preparing our hearts for the celebration of our Lord's resurrection!  

#GospelofJohn #Lent2017 #WomanofValor 

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