Saturday, May 20, 2006

My Garden

Jesus, I want the garden of my life to be a beautiful and bountiful as You. Create in me a rich and fertile soil, O God, and clean out every weed that keeps me from enjoying Your presence and bringing You glory. Your Book is full of inspiration for gardeners of the heart. There I come to know and love You, the Master Gardener, and delight in Your wisdom. (With help from Karla Dornacher's book, "Down a Garden Path.")

Today I planted my garden. YEAH! My Dad and Roy went and got the rototiller, peet moss and some railroad ties to make it all nice. While they did that, with Paco's help, I ran to the nursery to buy some plants.

We planted tomato plants of different varieties, a variety of cucumbers, summer squash, butternut squash and jalapeno of course! 13 tomato plants, 4 nice cucumber hills, zuccini and squash to boot! Still to plant: lettuce, radish, carrots and basil to boost productivity in the tomato plants and also a natural repellant to bugs.
I love playing in the dirt. I love seeing things grow and to be able to eat food we have raised! I can't wait to have such an abudance that it is time to make and can salsa, tomato sauce, jelly, pickels and to taste the butternut squash dessert at Thanksgiving... yummy!
I will try and get a nice picture of my garden and post it. It's still a work in progress but at least the weeds are under control - for the time! ha!

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