Everyone is proud of me and more important, I am proud of me. My daughter, Mel, said it so sweetly when she cried and told me, "I am so glad you are my mom. I love you so much." Priceless. I wouldn't want to trade those moments for any amount of "fun" out drinking (or at home!). What I have today is because of God. How could I ever think I could make it better myself? I don't know but today I am glad that 5 years ago, I stayed sober, "One Day At a Time."
On this day, I also had a tearful experience. My first friend and later sponsor died. I was able to go to her viewing, and with Roy at my side, place my five-year chip in her hands. I can't say that I wouldn't be here without her being in my life but I can't say that I would be, either. Suffice to say, she made a difference in my life and for that, I am grateful. She taught me the prayer, "God, I offer myself to Thee - to build with me and do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life. May I do Thy will always!" Amen.
One of my favorite quotes from the Big Book, which depicts the blessing of seeing you grow is; “Life will take on new meaning. To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends – this is an experience you must not miss. We know you will not want to miss it.” AA p.89
A Chip In My Pocket
I carry a chip in my pocket -
A simple reminder to me,
of the fact that I am a drunk,
no matter where I might be.
This little chip is not magic,
nor is it a good luck charm,
It isn’t meant to protect me,
from emotional or physical harm.
When I put my hand in my
pocket, to bring out a coin or a key,
the chip is there to remind me,
of the price I pay to be free.
To acquire a foundation to stay sober,
I must surrender self-will,
asking help from my Higher Power,
and allow my mind to be still.
A service commitment at meetings,
and listening to what my sponsor does say,
a quiet prayer asking for guidance,
at the start and end of each day.
A simple reminder to me,
of the fact that I am a drunk,
no matter where I might be.
This little chip is not magic,
nor is it a good luck charm,
It isn’t meant to protect me,
from emotional or physical harm.
When I put my hand in my
pocket, to bring out a coin or a key,
the chip is there to remind me,
of the price I pay to be free.
To acquire a foundation to stay sober,
I must surrender self-will,
asking help from my Higher Power,
and allow my mind to be still.
A service commitment at meetings,
and listening to what my sponsor does say,
a quiet prayer asking for guidance,
at the start and end of each day.
The chip reminds me to be grateful,
for my sobriety, one day at a time,
and to be thankful to my Higher Power,
that my illness is not a crime.
It’s also a daily reminder,
of the peace and comfort I share,
with all other sober drunkards,
who walk with His loving care.
for my sobriety, one day at a time,
and to be thankful to my Higher Power,
that my illness is not a crime.
It’s also a daily reminder,
of the peace and comfort I share,
with all other sober drunkards,
who walk with His loving care.
So I carry a chip in my pocket,
reminding no one but me, that,
by turning my will over to Him,
He has brought my sobriety.
He has brought my sobriety.
- Anonymous
Congratulations on your sobriety, Joy. I am so very proud of you. You are a beautiful woman, loving mother and wife, and a wonderful friend. I am blessed to have you in my life.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! You have hit a fantastic milestone and the most important thing is that you are proud of yourself and know that you are happier now more than ever. You have so much patience to do what you do everyday. Will be cheering you on!