Wonderful day of training. A few accidents, none that were "pooey" and many successful trips to the potty.
Day 2: Sunday
Still a good day! Had a few accidents, one being pooey at night but all in all a good day! Great news being that he went standing up like a big boy at our friends' house, baptizing their bush and trying to make his mark on all their bushes! Also, went #1 and #2 in a strange bathroom on the big pot!!! WHOO HOO!
Day 3: Monday
So far so good. No accidents yet but I know there will be. We've gone to only cotton during the day and pull-ups at night. We've tried several times to go standing up but to no avail.

Here's a picture of Paco talking on the phone last night. He walked away from the crowd, walked around while he chatted with Reggie's girlfriend AND then, got in his car to drive - all while talking on the phone. It was so funny!!! Troy took this picture as he kept moving make it hard to capture!
We had a great day yesterday. After church, we went to my parent's home for lunch and there were friends there. A most enjoyable time was had. Then we came home and took naps - aahh. Glorious Sunday afternoon naps. After naps, we went to the friends' home where Paco went pee pee like a big boy! Had a great time swimming. Paco jumped off the diving board all on his own and loved the water.
We then hit Mickey D's, got the kids a Happy Meal and Luigi. Now we have several Ramone, Flo and one Luigi each kid. Lots of fun!! Topped off the night with a game of Mexican Train Dominoes with Melynda.
Great potty training news! All-cotton is the way to go - - that's what helped it click for Camden. Good job, Paco!