In honor of our Lord's sacrifice, we will be watching
Passion of the Christ at church tonight. It is a horrificly graphic violent film reliving the last twelve hours of Christ's life.

This is no popcorn munching movie. It will rock even the most liberal Chistian out of their seat.

And for a softy, like me, I will cry. Sob. And grieve for Mary's loss and pain.

But I have hope. Because I serve a Risen Savior. He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives in me! As I grieve today, may I look past the cross to the empty tomb that I know is coming! I need to be reminded today that Christ suffered - for me. That He died - for me. That He was beaten - for me. Beaten to a bloody pulp - for me. For you. For my children. God loves us that much.
On another note - I want you to see
this video. It made me cry. Be sure to click on the video to start it. Doesn't get much better than this.
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