I do have a few favorites, though, that I wear regularly. Maybe not daily, okay for sure not daily, but when I do "do something to myself" here's what IT is.
Nicole Miller's Lash Primer! Made for weak or thin lashes, I love how this conditions my lashes without adding gloppy color that runs, fades or won't wash off at night!!! It's a natural pretty. And that my friends, is what I am all about.
Then, I have bronze beads to add a little color. I use this on my cheeks and eyes.
Perfume is Be Delicious by Dkny. It's the green apple fresh crisp scent and I just love it!
Last but not least... my glamour shades. Sometimes feeling pretty is being pretty and that's what these do to me. I can put them on and instantly don't feel like I am wearing sweats and yesterday's shirt - even if I am.
Great post, Joy! Hey, we wear the same perfume...I looovvee Be Delicious. I like your bronzing beads - - I've always wanted to try some of those. Right now I'm currently obsessed with some lip gloss that costs $28.00 per tube, but don't know that I could ever break down and buy it. It sure would be fun, though!