Monday, January 19, 2009

"The days of the $300 jeans are gone,"

If I watch the news, it's my fault/your fault our economy is such dispair. Why? Because I'm not spending as much as I should be! Or so they say...

I say:

It's about time we, THE PEOPLE, stopped buying $300 jeans.

It's about time we, THE PEOPLE, had one black dress instead of three...

It's about time we, THE PEOPLE, gave to the poor, the sick and the needy.

It's about time we, THE PEOPLE, stopped eating so many meals out and actually cooked at home!

It's about time we, THE PEOPLE, did what previous generations have done before us and save more than we spend!

Ahhh, now there's a novel idea.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sister.

    April Showers using her husbands log in because she's too lazy to log out and then log back in, which she could have done instead of typing this long comment, but oh well.


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