I have my own
Michael Oher. His name is Reggie. He's one of my children. You see, I have six kiddos. 4 boys and 2 girls: Reggie, Troy, Melynda, Sky, Paco & Javi. My kids range from 19 to 2. I am not able to tell you my whole story for several reasons... 1) it's too long. 2) I'd short-circuit my computer with all the tears I'd shed and 3) My blog wouldn't be able to upload all I have to share. I'd need to have my own movie made.
Here's Reggie. Very young. Always smiling. This picture was taken before he came to be our son. He was a freshman in this picture, I think. Maybe a sophomore... he was already in my heart.

Reggie throwing shot his senior year.
Reggie and Paco in Mexico. We took the whole family after graduation from high school.

Here is Reggie packing Paco in Mexico. They love his hair.

If this isn't love, tell me what is! A naked, not potty trained babe sitting on your stomach! Reg may have been trying to nap here and look at his face - grinning & bearing it!

Tears come now... this picture was Senior presentation at his high school. I went as his Mom. I cried then, too. One of the happiest moments in my life. I couldn't have been more proud than I was at this moment.

Okay, I was really proud this day, too. And I cried - again. Graduation day!
One proud Moma.

And don't think Roy wasn't a proud Daddy... he was - is.

And here we are. I could so relate to Sandra Bullock's character when they took Michael to college. I was so happy and proud and then bawled my eyes out all the way home. Here we are in his dorm room, freshman year. He is in college, with a scholarship for track & field.

I miss him something fierce. Not for our lengthy conversations. I just miss him. When he's here, it just feels right. The movie Blind Side is not a replica of our journey with Reggie but it has many similar feelings and situations. At least from my view. I cried. I laughed. I cried and laughed some more. I can't wait to see it again with our family.
Being a step-mom to 3 kids, it's a different place with our Reggie. My step-kids didn't choose me. They got me when I married their Daddy. And I love them dearly, as my own! Reggie chooses us. He chooses me. While we took him in, he stayed. It's a good place to be. I love him so much and am a better person for him being in our lives.
For him and my family, I am thankful.
That is without doubt, the sweetest blog post I have ever seen... Ever... not just on your blog, on ANY blog. Maybe because I love that boy as well, maybe because I love you... Anyway, I think we ARE blessed to have him in our lives... God placed him where he is... For reasons we may not understand, but for THAT I am thankful...
ReplyDeleteI love you, Joy... And I love you, Reggie.