Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fixed on Jesus, my Lord & Savior

Cape Meares Lighthouse, Oregon

In reality, there is only one true prayer, only one substantial prayer: Christ himself," writes Mother Teresa.  "There is only one voice which rises above the face of the earth: the voice of Christ.  Prayer is oneness with Christ." (pg. 13
The above quote from Mother Teresa is from the book, "Seeking the Heart of God - Reflections on Prayer" by her and Brother Roger.  Not only did the introductory words leap off the page at me, Chapter 1 by Brother Roger is titled, "Inner Light!"  Listen to his words:
The astonishing presence of Jesus, the Risen Lord, creates in you a source of light.  It remains lit even when everything is shrouded in darkness; it bursts suddenly into flame like a coal still glowing under the ashes.  Sometimes you say to yourself: the fire in me is going out.  But you were not the one who lit that fire.  Your faith does not create God, and your doubts cannot banish Him to nothingness. (pg. 17)
Our prayer song this morning, "God Keep Our Eyes Fixed on Jesus Our Lord and Savior" is very powerful.  One tool we learned is to change the words to make it more personal:

God keep MY thoughts fixed on Jesus MY Lord and Savior...
other words/names that God brought to my mind were:

and several friends and family that I won't list here for obvious reasons.

Hebrews 12:2 - "Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends..."



Seeking the Heart of God Reflections on Prayer
Mother Teresa & Brother Roger
1991 in French, 1992 in English. US 1993
Harper Collins

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