Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Worse, Poorer, Sickness - Still, I Love Thee

Beating the Odds - I wrote this post in 2017 and it is a great starting place to start to learn about our marriage and how we are beating the odds.

I'm not sure we could ever imagine what worse, poorer, and sickness really are when saying our wedding vows. At least I'm not sure I could.

I thought if we were already broke then there was no where to go but up. I was wrong.

I thought nothing could be worse from what we had both already endured on our own. I was wrong.

I thought sickness meant only physical ailments. I was wrong.

Seventeen years later, I know that the worse, sickness, and possibly poorer days are still ahead. Still, I love thee.

What could be worse than losing our family home, business, and relationships, and a grandbaby we never got to hold? Losing our parents, a child, a grandchild we have held in our arms. Yes, that is worse.

What sickness could be worse than mental battles and chronic pain? SOOOO many things. How naive I was to think those hurdles count as beating some odds, yet, I know they all add up.

We've learned that poor is a spiritual state and we prefer the word broke in relation to finances. So being poor is worse than being broke.

We knew it wouldn't be easy. I'm not sure we knew it would be this hard. Still, I love thee.

Today, I cherish what odds we have overcome and know that together we can beat the ones that are ahead because we are not fighting these odds on our own. As long as we continue to mutually submit to God, we can and WILL continue to beat the odds. Because of Him, the odds are are ever in our favor. 😉

I won't cry out for the challenges to come our way because, honestly, with our magnetic personalities, they are drawn to us; or so it seems. I am grateful that I have you to journey this crazy world together at my side and I'll not think of the only thing that will release us from our vows.

Still, I Love Thee!!!

#June12 #beatingtheodds #IStillDo


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May God Bless You!