My Sweet Baby Boy

Well, I got a call from the doctor's office at 4:45 today and we're doing a complete metabolic blood test on Javi in the morning. :( We've also scheduled a Sweat Chloride Test on November 19th. This tests for Cystic Fibrosis. We're very scared, worried, you name it. In two months time our baby has gone from 15 lbs 9 oz to 14 lbs 4 oz. This is only 2 ounces more than what he weighed at 2 months!!! Please pray. We're upping his solid intake to three meals a day/all he can eat. Plus, offering him nursing whenever he seems like he might take it.
Here's a ray of sunshine after some depressing posts:
Javier, sitting nice and tall for his picture.

I had no idea this was going on with Javier! We will be thinking and praying for him... Keep us posted on how he is doing.