I see my lips, eyes, nose and facial shape in him a lot. He has my sleepy eye, poor baby. He has Roy's chin, though. What do you think?
This is my world. Where I strive to do the best I can to live for Jesus in every way. You'll see where I fail, fall short and fall flat on my face. Then you'll see Jesus pick me up and keep going.
From the carnival, we finished off our "moo-la" on a wonderful mexican dinner at Casa Mexico. I had chicken mole enchiladas that my baby boy is paying for today. Bummer. They were delicious last night but not so much today on his tummy. Poor baby. A grand dinner and the kids were so well behaved. All the servers kept commenting on how well behaved they were. YEAH!
It seems the big boys always have plans of some sort and we've been going a hundred miles an hour so it was a welcome break and treat to be all together for an evening of fun, food and family. Course, with that combo, can one go wrong?
I put more pictures from his party and of this photo shoot at Sears here.
I can't believe how grown up he is now. He speaks in full sentences, knows everything and learns more each day! We're fully potty-trained now but I am putting him in pull-ups at night again. It seems he "dribbles" at night and that's what wakes him to go potty. Well, it's too much work to change and wash sheets for dribbles, so we're wearing a pull-up and usually wake up dry but it eases my load and saves on laundry so pretty much a win-win for me right now.
He's still very much a snuggler on his terms, when he wants. Usually this is when I am holding/nursing Javier. Sigh. He loves napping with Mommy and she loves it, too. That has ended up being "our time" and we both enjoy it.
Here's to a great 3 years! Thanks, son, for blessing my life each and every day!