Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Nephew, Brady

When we went to Mexico, my nephew Brady, went with us. He's 18 and my eldest brother's youngest son. Whew, that's a mouthful!
Anyway, when I got home and dowloaded all the pictures we took in Mexico, I found some of them a bit... uh.... odd. Here, let me show you a fraction of the oddness that was on our cameras. I'm a little scared to post these, but without further ado.... my all SELF -PORTRAIT nephew, Brady. Oh, I should add that he was not ALONE when he took these. We were all together or Troy and Reggie were there. Please tell me he's odd. Otherwise, it means I AM!!!

No photoshop! His eyes are truly this gorgeous!!!

Okay, he may have been alone in the next two.
Notice the urinal!!!! You've got to be kidding me!

And another, since one wasn't enough...
and we were WAITING on this kid in the airport!

Another Brady oddity:
Perhaps this was proof that we took this???

As I looked through a bunch of odd Brady shots, I couldn't help but wonder where on earth he got his oddness from? So, I watched. And watched. And finally got PROOF of what I knew all along - his father:


  1. Holy Crap! That is HILARIOUS!

    And that is MY step-son and MY husband. Wow, am I LUCKY!

    I had to share with the girls here at work, just to show what I get to go home to every single night of the rest of my life.

  2. Anonymous5:05 PM

    How funny is that??

    How can these two possibly belong to me?

  3. I was hesitant to post these since, well, I'm related to them and well, uh, it's said my brother and I are a little alike. That said, I just couldn't resist!

  4. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Now i know what Joy means by laughing out loud all of the sudden when she is reading other peoples blogs. I busted a gut on this one!!!!


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