Okay, enough lamenting. Here is my baby, 4 1/2 years old, still not needing his mommy. He's in preschool now, 3 days a week and he loves it! He's such a character, check him out on his first day of school:
And what's really funny, is he was cracking himself up! I was trying to get a good picture here and the more I wanted him to "smile nicely for moma" he did this:
Until I finally went to sport mode and got this out of him:
While the smile is what I wanted, looking back at these pictures, the crack up ones are my boy! They are HIM! And oh, how I lovew him and really don't want him to change... at all.
So, why the Discombrugleated post title? That is how I feel. I'm in an weird space mentally and emotionally. While he's not in school full time, he'd like to be. He's never ready to leave when I pick him up, looks forward to going to school each morning and is sad when it's not a school day.
When I was canning up a storm, I welcomed the break to get things done. Well, I'm done canning for the year.
My parents are in South America and I miss them terribly.
I don't have a quilt going. I want my sewing room so I can have a place that is "my space."
I miss having my baby around bugging me.
The chickens are fine. The garden is done and the chickens are enjoying gleaning it.
I miss my parents.
Fall is here and I want to get quilting. I need to get quilting!
Thankfully, Bible Study has begun and that is helping a great deal with me centering in on Jesus.
I'm fine. Really, I am. I just feel a little out of sorts and need to work the bugs out.
ReplyDeleteI love you so much and am so grateful for the woman you are and the things you do for our family. I will get your sewing room done very soon, I promise. So much to do with winter coming such as firewood, winterizing and all the things to be a good husband, father, provider and minister. Your patience with me is amazing.
I Love YOU!