All my darlings: Sky our ninja girl, Melynda our 80's gal, Paco our pirate and Javi our dog.

Then came November and with it came a slew of birthdays. Here are two of our birthday sweets: Brady, my nephew, turned 19 yesterday and my great-niece Karris turned 1 on the 17th. About Brady... I miss him this year. He's been around so much in the past and then my sons graduated and I only get to see him at family functions and church. There are many posts with him in them. Here with all my boys, singing RockBand, first day of junior year (he's the one dressed). He's great with my little boys and amazing with his nieces, as the picture demonstrates. I love him so much.

Here is DH, who turned 40 on the 19th. He's such a handsome man. And he looks great in pink. I hope you read about his arrival to adulthood. It was a moment to be remembered for sure. Along with DH, Brady and Karris, we celebrated my brother Larry's, great-niece Caydance, niece-in-law, Mandy, Reggie's g-friend Jolisa... anyways, there are birthdays the 15, 16, 17, 19, 24 and 28 of November. It's grand family time and I look forward to the food and teasing!

I am IN! I get to partake of the yummy dishes.... mmmm mmm mmm