Okay, I've shown you my
nativity from Israel,
Roy's nativity, my
Grandma's nativity plate and a toothless little girl, my
Mexican set, and my very
first nativity when I was poor and alone. We are not to my main nativity yet; which is just awesome (see my banner...) but I want to share this set with you:

This is the first year I have had this Nativity to set up! It's HUGE and very very pretty. This picture isn't doing it justice.... the figurines are very large and take up the entire top of my piano, as shown.
Ignore the blue binder - I was practicing for Youth Group.
Back to the Nativity - it's detailed and large. A long-time family friend gave it to DH and I. I'm so thankful for good friends. This friend gave us many things when he moved here from Oregon and downsized. I'll show you more another time.
What do you have that's new-to-you this year for a decoration?
Comin' up.... How to wrap gifts GREEN!
I have something new this year, but it's not to decorate. It's my new son. I love him to death. He came on Sept 24th. if you want the full story, wander over to our forum page